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The key to happiness for you and your partner may be girth where it matters most

Is Penile Enhancement Really Possible?

Dr. Yaqub introduces KEY Enhancement, girth-enhancing penile injections, to augment the size and contour of the external genitalia for better appearance and sexual satisfaction. Utilizing a customized series of dermal filler injections, Dr. Yaqub can promptly enhance proportions and girth, resulting in a more aesthetically appealing appearance and increased fullness. The exclusive filler material, known for its biocompatibility and resilience, retains elasticity throughout sexual activity, ensuring optimal performance and satisfaction.

Benefits of Penile Enhancement

Penile enlargement offers patients safe and enduring results with remarkable cosmetic improvements achieved through a series of penile injections. Thanks to the bio-elasticity of the filler components, the penis maintains a natural feel while erect as well as in the flaccid state. Following treatment, many men experience improved confidence and great intimacy with their partners.

What makes KEY penile enhancement stand out:

  • Minimal invasive procedure
  • Privately performed in the office
  • Safer when compared to penile enlargement surgery
  • Recovery is quick
  • Many are happy with the results

Is the KEY enhancement procedure right for me?

Ideal candidates for penile enlargement are healthy adult non-smokers with realistic expectations. The KEY Enhancement procedure is generally well-tolerated, with allergic reactions to the ingredients being exceedingly rare.